1月31日,美國國務卿魯比奧(不是盧比奧)接受Megyn Kelly採訪,表示自己跟中國外交部長王毅通話時,並未聽到對方警告自己「好自為之」。魯比奧指中國喜歡玩這種把戲,英文說一套,中文說另一套, 「they put out an English translation, and they put out a Chinese translation, and they don't always overlap.」


I did not—at least the translator that was on the call did not say anything to me that I felt was over the top. But then they put out these games. They like to play these games. They put out these translations where it says one thing in English, and then it's translated in a different—they use a different term in Mandarin. So, "he was warned not to overstep himself"—they never said that. And if they had, I would have told them, "Well, I would say the same to you—don't overstep either." But that didn't happen, at least not on the call, or at least maybe their interpreter didn't want to interpret it that way. But that was not the readout we got. But it's silly and irrelevant. What really matters is the decisions we make moving forward.




哈,終於知道美國官方如何翻譯「好自為之」了,原來是 「don't overstep」,跟我日前提議的譯法  「watch your step」 差不多。

至於「英文版說一件事,中文版則使用不同的詞彙」,這確實是很有中國特色的外交風格,歷史上不知發生過多少次。比方說,1793年9月,英國外交官馬戛爾尼(George Macartney)帶着大批禮物率團訪華,遞交一封國書給乾隆。信函措詞不卑不亢,本來平視大清,旨在促進兩國友誼,並要求在北京設立使館。然而大清皇帝素以天朝大國自居,翻譯員投其所好,便大肆「潤飾」,令英國看起來像一個卑躬屈膝的藩屬國。例如有一段英文是:

We have the happiness of being at peace with all the World, no time can be so propitious for extending the bounds of friendship and benevolence, and for proposing to communicate and receive those benefits which must result from an unreserved and amicable intercourse, between such great and civilized Nation as China and Great Britain.


二百三十多年過去,彷彿一切沒變。中共外交部宣稱王毅說過的那句「好自為之」,除了用來引導國內輿論,表現中方威武,更是刻意說給習近平聽的。意大利有句諺語:Traduttore, traditore,錢鍾書曾譯為「翻譯者即反逆者」。但對某些譯者來說,背叛了原文,才可以展示對主子的忠誠。






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