As enter the Palace Museum
Hsu ChiCheng
When enter Chong San Palace Museum, I already enter the vast sea of Chinese cultural relics, accept nurture of classics, and pass through time tunnel, return to history, face the sage of the past, search the footprint of them, surge cherish the memory for them endlessly, be grateful kindness reverently…
Chong San Palace museum is the epitome of our class history and culture, the treasure-house of culture relics, classical works and system. Our country's history is extreme long-standing, culture relics, classical works and system is very complete, is an independent culture country, often touch to other country, and also a great melting furnace, any culture comes from abroad will be melted and assimilated , especially in Asia. Although time carried away each dynasty, culture relics, classical works and system all bits remained there still, sprinkled the perfume.
“ I'm afraid it can't appreciate all within a week.”
“A week? May can't a month appreciate all.”
“A month? May can't a year appreciate all.”
Yes, many thousand of years the history and culture, culture relics, classical works and system, it just gives only a passing glance at things, want to know well all of them is impossible, as for a month, a week, it's even more impossible!
Isn't it? It needs not only a year to research Qing dynasty, let alone go upstream again to Ming dynasty, Yuan dynasty, Song dynasty, Tang dynasty, Han dynasty , Qin dynasty, Warring States period , Chunqiu ? It needs not only a year to research Jade, let alone the others like iron, ritual bronze, pottery, porcelain, wooden furniture etc., let alone the others like painting, handwriting, carve, stone, drinking vessel, water vessel, musical instrument etc……
The treasures of Chong San Palace Museum is truly rich, I appreciate them very much.◇
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