







追查迫害法輪功國際組織   汪志遠



Zhiyuan Wang:Mounting & Conclusive Evidence of Live Organ Harvesting of Falun Gong Practitioners by the CCP

Since July 20, 1999, the Chinese Communist Party(CCP)under the former leader Jiang Zemin, has hijacked China's entire state machine for the persecution of hundreds of millions of Falun Gong practitioners, including even harvesting organs from live Falun Gong practitioners on a massive scale. The scope and degree of the CCP's evilness break the record in mankind's history! Think about it everyone, how incredibly evil and horrific this crime is!

On a national scale, the CCP has been harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners to massively slaughter them. The number of victims is beyond imagination. As high as tens of thousands have been killed in one hospital alone.

In addition, living Falun Gong practitioners have also been used for certain experiments. Some were made into plastinated specimens used in 「body」 exhibition tours around the world; huge profits came out of the said tours.

Our investigation has found thus far, that major hospitals in various provinces and cities across China have been involved in live organ harvesting. 891 hospitals (organ transplant centers) and 9519 transplant surgeons have directly participated in this crime.

It has been twenty-two years since the genocide began and it is still going on. Evidences obtained through the investigation of and recorded by WOIPFG are merely a fraction of the actual numbers of parties involved in the live organ harvesting.

This criminal act is unprecedented-a state-sanctioned genocide, deadly destruction of mankind's moral conscience. It's against humanity.

On March 9, 2006, the CCP's crimes of organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners were exposed internationally. On the following day, the WOIPFG immediately started a systematic investigation in mainland China. As of January 2020, evidence collected by our organization, which has been published, includes 730 telephone investigation recordings and more than 2,000 documents, through direct evidence collecting, proof of involvement of the CCP's senior party and state officials.

Specifically, among the subjects of the investigation, there are five former standing committee members of the CCP Central Politburo and many senior CCP officials, including a former vice-chairman of the CCP Central Military Commission, a member of the Politburo, a former Minister of the National Defense, a former Minister of Commerce, and a former health director of the General Logistics Department of the Chinese People's Liberation Army(PLA).

Additional subjects of the investigation are 45 organ transplant directors and doctors from 41 hospitals across China.

The final judgment in human history, the largest, is about to begin!-the grand trial of the CCP for its genocide against Falun Gong.

WOIPFG appeals to all righteous people around the world to take immediate actions to comprehensively collect criminal evidence of the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong, report to WOIPFG, and provide evidence for the upcoming trial!

This is not only because these crimes must be punished, but also because it is to save the last moral conscience of mankind! We remind governments, organizations, and individuals from all walks of life to stand on the side of justice at this critical moment in history, to thoroughly hold the CCP accountable for its crimes against humanity, and to eliminate the evil communism from Earth completely and forever.

The CCP is disintegrating and the elimination of communism is coming soon! Moreover, the investigations and the pursuit of legal actions against the perpetrators are a shared jurisdiction of all mankind. They do not have retroactive time limits and national boundaries. Whether it is the highest authority of the CCP or junior executors of orders, nothing will exempt them from punishment. All participants will face moral and legal trials and must bear personal responsibilities. The only way out is to break from the CCP, expose its evilness, and seek redemption through good deeds. No one can escape the heavenly punishment. Good is rewarded and evil punished!

WOIPFG will continue to investigate the criminal conduct of all institutions, organizations, and individuals involved in the persecution of Falun Gong; to bring such investigations to a full closure no matter how long it will take and how far and wide we have to search; to honor the heavenly principles and to restore and uphold justice. These are the promises we made to the Divine, and we will never give up.

Zhiyuan Wang,World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG)#


【坦白如初 公義永存】


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