然而,特朗普在星期天(1月14日)發表推文澄清說,他當時跟《華爾街日報》記者說「我願意與金正恩有良好關係」(I’d have a good relationship with Kim Jong Un),而非「我與金正恩有良好關係」(I have a good relationship with Kim Jong Un)。
The Wall Street Journal stated falsely that I said to them “I have a good relationship with Kim Jong Un” (of N. Korea). Obviously I didn’t say that. I said “I’d have a good relationship with Kim Jong Un,” a big difference. Fortunately we now record conversations with reporters…
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 2018年1月14日
白宮新聞發言人桑德斯(Sarah Sanders)在推特上公佈了這段錄音:
Here is the official audio showing WSJ misquoting @POTUS pic.twitter.com/wVwoafYkHg
— Sarah Sanders (@PressSec) 2018年1月14日
…and they knew exactly what I said and meant. They just wanted a story. FAKE NEWS!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 2018年1月14日
We have reviewed the audio from our interview with President Trump, as well as the transcript provided by an external service, and stand by what we reported. Here is audio of the portion the White House disputes. https://t.co/eWcmiHrXJg pic.twitter.com/bx9fGFWaPw
— The Wall Street Journal (@WSJ) 2018年1月14日
而在不久前,特朗普也發推文批評美國記者沃爾夫(Michael Wolff)針對他而寫的爆料新書《火與怒》(Fire and Fury)。他認為沃爾夫故意寫入錯誤的訊息。
So much Fake News is being reported. They don’t even try to get it right, or correct it when they are wrong. They promote the Fake Book of a mentally deranged author, who knowingly writes false information. The Mainstream Media is crazed that WE won the election!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 2018年1月13日
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