英國周一晚間曼徹斯特體育場(Manchester Arena)發生自殺炸彈恐怖襲擊,導致至少22人死亡、59人受傷。案發後,一名婦女帶領約50名少女逃到安全地點,並陪伴她們一整夜,獲網友大力讚揚。
周一晚間曼徹斯特體育場正在舉行美國女歌手愛莉安娜・格蘭德(Ariana Grande)演唱會,爆炸後,現場年輕人驚慌而逃,很多人發揮人飢己飢的精神,及時伸出援手,免費提供住宿,或指引年輕人逃到安全的地點。
在此同時,無數家長急著打聽孩子的音訊,通過社交媒體找尋寶貝的下落。最引人關注的是,很多人在找一名8歲的女孩Saffie Rose Roussos,不幸的是,她的學校證實這位天真無邪的女孩遇難,成為這場恐怖襲擊的最年幼受害者,令網友唏噓不已。
I can’t believe people can be that cruel with a baby girl.
RIP Saffi, only 8 years old
My heart is bleeding.#PrayForManchester #Manchester pic.twitter.com/YugaZxjSK6— Ariana Grande Vocals (@vocalsagb) May 23, 2017
周一晚間,48歲的寶拉・羅賓遜(Paula Robinson)在現場帶領大約50名少女逃到安全地點,並且整夜陪伴她們。
Hero of the hour: this woman led 50 children to safety in the aftermath of the #Manchester terror attack https://t.co/z2fBSkHSIF pic.twitter.com/03wJb9fscJ
— Grazia UK (@GraziaUK) May 23, 2017
Anyone looking for children in #Manchester tonight head to the Holiday Inn as one wonderful lady is keeping them safe pic.twitter.com/snJfE0IysZ
— Amy Cotter (@AmyLou_Cotter) May 22, 2017
她帶著數十位女孩逃到附近的Holiday Inn Express Hotel,並且在手機發推文說她和大約50名女孩在一起,女孩們等待父母來接,她和先生會照顧她們。寶拉說,推文發出去後,整個晚上手機響個不停。
Can we give praise to this lady “Paula Robinson” who is looking after missing children,when evil strikes the people hit back #Manchester pic.twitter.com/fdfeZGD4KW
— Jono Morris (@jonomorris1) May 22, 2017
#roomformanchester we have a spare double bed and two sofas available if anybody needs a place tonight. Salford area, 5 min taxi from arena
— Jesy (@iamjesyrae) May 22, 2017
I live 5 mins from the Manchester Arena. I have sofa bed, food/drink and phone chargers if anyone needs any help #roomformanchester
— Nick Q (@QHNick) May 23, 2017
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