時間近了,要申請續簽時才發現都幾Q煩。以為只要付款認賬按一下電腦掣就可以;原來還要問三問四,譬如過去10年到過甚麼地方的紀錄等等等等......「又長又噆」。最煩惱的還是要小心計算日子,只能夠在簽證到期的28日內申請續期,早一日不可以,遲一日更加不可以。28日是以數日曆日程計算,包括所有公眾假期及星期日,千萬不要自作聰明,以工作天來計算。舉例以說明之 :
Your application has been considered but before a decision can be taken, we need further information from you.
Please provide the following within 10 working days of the date of this request. If the requested evidence is not provided within 10 days, then your application will be considered based on the current documents provided.
Evidence required
This department has observed that you have applied under the Hong Kong BN(O) visas route for 30 months permission to remain in UK, however, this department has observed you currently hold permission on the route until 31 December 2023.
GOV.UK provides guidance (https://www.gpv.uk/british-national-overseas-bno-visa/extend-your-visa) which informs applicants that they should not apply for a BN(O) visa extension whilst they have more than 28 days exist on their previous BN(O) visa:
What are the requirements for settlement in the UK?
After you've spent 5 continuous years in the UK, you can apply for permanent settlement, also known as indefinite leave to remain (ILR).
You must apply while your BN(O) visa is still valid – apply 28 days before the visa expires.
Further information on settlement following a BN(O), including how to calculate continuous residence, can be found at British National (Overseas) visa: Living permanently in the UK - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
申請永居可以於居英滿5年前28日內申請,上述例子就必須小心以2026年6月30日滿5年計,因為護照續期簽證有效日期止於2026年6月15日,所以只能於2026年6月3 -15日這一段日子內申請永居。理論上只要在簽證到期前遞交永居申請,原有簽證便會自動延期至申請審批完畢為止。
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