
英國的年度鳥類攝影師大賽(The Bird Photographer of the Year)是一項全球性的攝影比賽,旨在通過展示參賽者從世界各地捕捉到的美麗或逗趣的鳥類照片,來提高公眾對鳥類的保護意識。


大賽共設有八個類別,包括最佳肖像(Best Portraits)、環境中的鳥類(birds in the environment)、鳥類行為(Bird Behavior)、飛行中的鳥類(Birds in Flight)、黑白(Black and White)、城市鳥類(urban birds)、鳥類保護(conservation,單幅)和搞笑(comedy)。此外,還設有組照獎和影片獎。

在本屆大賽中,美國攝影師傑克‧智(Jack Zhi)憑藉其拍攝的《抓住公牛的角》(Grab the Bull by the Horns)摘得桂冠,榮獲了「年度鳥類攝影師」稱號及5,000英鎊的最高獎金,同時該作品還獲得了鳥類行為組金獎。這幅作品描繪的是一隻游隼攻擊一隻棕色鵜鶘的精彩瞬間。

《抓住公牛的角》。(©Jack Zhi/Bird Photographer of the Year)
《抓住公牛的角》。(©Jack Zhi/Bird Photographer of the Year)


與此同時,年僅17歲的德國攝影師Anton Trexler榮獲了「年度青年鳥類攝影師」榮譽稱號,並獲得了價值300英鎊的相機設備代金券。他的獲獎作品《藍色時刻和紅色月亮》(Blue Hour and Red Moon)描繪的是華燈初上,一隻鳥兒在昏黃月亮映襯下的非凡圖像。

《藍色時刻和紅色月亮》。(©Anton Trexler/Bird Photographer of the Year)
《藍色時刻和紅色月亮》。(©Anton Trexler/Bird Photographer of the Year)

大賽總監Will Nicholls表示,這些提交的作品不僅證明了攝影師的藝術才華,而且「深刻地提醒人們鳥類令人驚歎的美麗」。



(©Xiaoke Wang/Bird Photographer of the Year)
(©Xiaoke Wang/Bird Photographer of the Year)

(©Paul Mckenzie/Bird Photographer of the Year)
(©Paul Mckenzie/Bird Photographer of the Year)

(©Thomas Vijayan/Bird Photographer of the Year)
(©Thomas Vijayan/Bird Photographer of the Year)

(©Henley Spiers/Bird Photographer of the Year)
(©Henley Spiers/Bird Photographer of the Year)

(©Antonio Aguti/Bird Photographer of the Year)
(©Antonio Aguti/Bird Photographer of the Year)

(©Rafael Armada/Bird Photographer of the Year)
(©Rafael Armada/Bird Photographer of the Year)

(©Nicolas Reusens/Bird Photographer of the Year)
(©Nicolas Reusens/Bird Photographer of the Year)

(©Arko Saha/Bird Photographer of the Year)
(©Arko Saha/Bird Photographer of the Year)

(©Cheng Kang/Bird Photographer of the Year)
(©Cheng Kang/Bird Photographer of the Year)

(©Qiuqing Mu/Bird Photographer of the Year)
(©Qiuqing Mu/Bird Photographer of the Year)

(©Jake Levin/Bird Photographer of the Year)
(©Jake Levin/Bird Photographer of the Year)

(©Ann Gillis/Bird Photographer of the Year)
(©Ann Gillis/Bird Photographer of the Year)


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