組織又引述多位英國政客對中領館人員的批評,香港監察贊助人之一奧爾頓勳爵(Lord Alton of Liverpool)敦促英國內政大臣彭黛玲和外交大臣查明事件,又呼籲曼徹斯特市長命令當地警方為港人提供保護及將襲擊者繩之於法。奧爾頓更在Twitter表示,若證實中共總領事鄭曦原涉及襲擊事件,英國政府「應要求他立即收拾行李並離開英國」。
Peaceful protest with Chinese characteristics: CCP Ambassador should tell us if this is Consul General Zheng Xiyuan pulling the hair of a protestor as another official attempts to gouge out his eyes. If it is,@SuellaBraverman should demand he pack his bags and leave now pic.twitter.com/IkIi50FvB4
— Lord (David) Alton (@DavidAltonHL) October 16, 2022
工黨英國國會議員Catherine West表示,這「令人深感擔憂」(deeply concerning),指英國當局須緊急調查事件。她補充指,會與另一位議員在國會緊急提出保護香港人的措施。
This is deeply concerning and both the Foreign & Home Secretaries must investigate urgently.
— Catherine West MP (@CatherineWest1) October 16, 2022
I've previously raised protections for Hong Kongers in the UK with the @fcdo and this will be raised in Parliament urgently. https://t.co/guYOBNfuiQ
英國下議院議員凱恩斯(Alicia Kearns)呼籲英國政府立即調查並傳召中共大使,並指若有中共官員涉及毆打示威者,必須驅逐或檢控他們。
.@SuellaBraverman & @JamesCleverly need to urgently investigate.
— Alicia Kearns, MP for Rutland and Melton (@aliciakearns) October 16, 2022
The CCP will not import their beating of protestors and denial of free speech to British streets.
Chinese Ambassador should be summoned & if any official has beaten protesters, they must be expelled or prosecuted. https://t.co/q7Nh55k8fG
香港監察創辦人之一羅傑斯(Benedict Rogers)指今次事件非常離譜,責任者必須要承受嚴重後果。他又指,若相關報道和片段屬實,中領館官員似乎加入了襲擊,而更嚴重的是和平示威者被拖進領事館範圍毆打。羅傑斯強調不能讓施襲者躲在外交豁免權後面,逍遙法外。若果他們被認定有罪,應該要面對刑事起訴或被立即驅逐出境。
羅傑斯又說,絕不能容許中共在英國街頭,對行使基本權利的和平示威者進行不人道的暴行。(We cannot allow the Chinese Communist Party regime’s thuggery, brutality, inhumanity and criminality on the streets of Britain against peaceful demonstrators exercising their basic right to protest).@
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