美國國務卿蓬佩奧(Mike Pompeo)在其私人推特上留言道,這不是美國人的做法。不能允許他們噤聲7,500萬美國人的聲音,這裏不是中國共產黨。美國住房與城市發展部部長本‧卡森(Ben Carson) 表示,社交媒體公司正在壓制大量選民,並抹殺歷史。
美國參議員魯比奧(Marco Rubio)則在推特上發文說,允許非民選的大科技公司封殺他人言論的做法非常危險。而德州參議員克魯茲(Ted Cruz)則在推特上譴責大科技公司的偏見:伊朗可以發推,但特朗普卻不能。
美國國務卿邁克‧蓬佩奧(Mike Pompeo)在推文中說:「禁言是危險的。這不是美國人(的做法)。可悲的是,這不是左派的新策略。他們一直在噤聲反對派的聲音。」
Silencing speech is dangerous. It’s un-American. Sadly, this isn’t a new tactic of the Left. They’ve worked to silence opposing voices for years.
— Mike Pompeo (@mikepompeo) January 9, 2021
We cannot let them silence 75M Americans. This isn’t the CCP.
本‧卡森:社交媒體壓制大量選民 抹殺歷史
美國住房與城市發展部部長本‧卡森(Ben Carson) 在周六發表的推文中表示,社交媒體公司「正在壓制大量選民,而抹殺歷史無法團結我們。它只會造成進一步分裂。大型科技公司和社交媒體平台,試圖像媒體組織一樣做事,但又不想像其它媒體一樣擔責任。無論你是否同意,言論都應該是自由的。」
Silencing a significant number of voters and erasing history is no way to unite us; it only further divides. Big tech & social media platforms want to act like media orgs but don’t want to be held accountable with the rest of media. Speech should be free whether you agree or not.
— Ben Carson (@SecretaryCarson) January 9, 2021
南卡州參議員林賽‧格雷厄姆(Lindsey Graham)說,「推特可能為此禁止我的帳戶,但我願意接受這種命運:你永久禁止特朗普總統使用平台的決定是個嚴重的錯誤。」
Twitter may ban me for this but I willingly accept that fate: Your decision to permanently ban President Trump is a serious mistake.
— Lindsey Graham (@LindseyGrahamSC) January 9, 2021
The Ayatollah can tweet, but Trump can’t. Says a lot about the people who run Twitter.
佛羅里達州參議員馬可‧魯比奧(Marco Rubio)說:「即使是那些反對特朗普的人,也應該看到一個小規模的、非民選的團體所擁有的封殺言論和抹殺任何人的權力的危險。」
Even those who oppose Trump should see the danger of having a small & unelected group with the power to silence & erase anyone.
— Marco Rubio (@marcorubio) January 9, 2021
And their actions will only stoke new grievances that will end up fueling the very thing they claim to be trying to prevent.
德薩斯州眾議員泰德‧克魯茲(Ted Cruz)說:「大型科技公司的清洗、審查和濫用權力是荒唐的,而且是極其危險的。
「為何少數矽谷億萬富翁在政治言論上獨佔鰲頭? https://t.co/ehgVYtHX7H」
Big Tech’s PURGE, censorship & abuse of power is absurd & profoundly dangerous.
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) January 9, 2021
If you agree w/ Tech’s current biases (Iran, good; Trump, bad), ask yourself, what happens when you disagree?
Why should a handful of Silicon Valley billionaires have a monopoly on political speech? https://t.co/ehgVYtHX7H
科羅拉多州聯邦眾議員勞倫‧博伯特(Lauren Boebert)一度將她在推特上的個人照片換成特朗普頭像圖片。她說:「通過禁止正式當選的美國總統,大科技公司宣佈他們比美國人民的意志更強大。非民選的技術寡頭不應在全球話語權上擁有如此強大的權力,卻極少及不受監督/問責。」
By banning the duly elected President of the United States, Big Tech has declared they are more powerful than the will of the American people. Unelected tech oligarchs should not have such massive power over global discourse while enjoying little to no oversight/accountability.
— Lauren Boebert (@laurenboebert) January 9, 2021
北卡州聯邦眾議員麥迪遜‧科索恩(Madison Cawthorn)在推文上說,「當你撕爛那些反對你的人的舌頭時,你並沒有證明他們撒謊。」
When you tear out the tongues of those who speak against you, you are not proving them liars.
— Madison Cawthorn (@CawthornforNC) January 9, 2021
Instead you are proclaiming, on the altar of oppression, that you are crippled by fear of what they might say.
佛羅里達州聯邦眾議員馬特‧蓋茲(Matt Gaetz)在推文上說,「大型科技公司在我們眼前上演暴政。」
Big tech tyranny is playing out before our very eyes.
— Rep. Matt Gaetz (@RepMattGaetz) January 9, 2021
Big tech thinks it's their job to think for us.
— Rep. Matt Gaetz (@RepMattGaetz) January 9, 2021
佐治亞州聯邦眾議員道格‧柯林斯(Doug Collins)在推文上說:
Don’t be fooled.
— Doug Collins (@RepDougCollins) January 9, 2021
Big Tech isn’t shutting down accounts due to “risk”.
They’re trying to control what you READ.
What you THINK.
What you BELIEVE.
They’re after one thing: control.
Because control means power.
Don’t let them win.
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