中共喉舌《環球時報》的總編輯胡錫進日前在推特上提到中美兩國經濟脫鉤的可能性。美國對沖基金大佬、海曼資本管理公司(Hayman Capital Management)創辦人巴斯(Kyle Bass)回應說,如果這樣的話,中共會因為缺乏美元而「餓死」,胡錫進的說法只是中共宣傳的一大笑話。
對此,美國華裔律師暨中國問題專家章家敦(Gordon Chang)主張中美經濟脫鉤。他在8月24日發推文說,中美兩國的經濟必須分道揚鑣。中共正利用貿易與投資所得來資助其對抗美國的惡意活動。
We must disengage from #China. Beijing is using the proceeds from #trade and investment to fund its malicious campaign against America. https://t.co/QCVfjKRqYi
— Gordon G. Chang (@GordonGChang) 2019年8月23日
Without the US, china will starve itself of USD. The $500b + of exports to the US will be sourced from elsewhere and china won’t have the working capital to import all of the things they are desperately short (oil, food, base metals, etc). Your propaganda @HuXijin_GT is a joke. https://t.co/nQGSfbGYhu
— Kyle Bass (@Jkylebass) 2019年8月24日
For all of the Fake News Reporters that don’t have a clue as to what the law is relative to Presidential powers, China, etc., try looking at the Emergency Economic Powers Act of 1977. Case closed!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 2019年8月24日
With the President’s final acknowledgment of china’s communist party as our ENEMY on Friday, the United States 🇺🇸 now has a second Independence Day. August 23rd is now the US Independence Day from the ccp. #china #happyindependenceday2019
— Kyle Bass (@Jkylebass) 2019年8月24日
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