The Clover Looking for Dream
Hsu ChiCheng
Oxalis is a kind of creeping wild grass often find on country field. There is the hearsay about them spreading in the field:
The leaf of oxalis is composed by three slight leaves. Among these leaves, there is a kind of leaf occasionally composed by the variety, it's composed by four slight leaves. It's called lucky clover. The person who has looked for lucky clover will certainly obtain some lucky.
How wonderful the hearsay! The children always want to weave them into dream, and looking for them among the jungle of oxalis, looking to be sweat full of body, wishing to look out a lucky clover, to let their dream to come true.
By no means limited to the children? Why not the others? Born to be a human been, no matter male or female, old or young, everyone has a dream. In order to make the dream come to true, everyone is looking for, no afraid of wind and rain, winter cold and summer hot, in spite of wherever and whenever, all are looking for.
No one don't wish to find the lucky clover. No one don't let his beautiful dream to be come true. How great when find out lucky clover! How great when beautiful dream come true! Even just a bit of possibility, even it just a hearsay, still wish as thus.
A day after a day, a year after a year, people look for successively, even look for into heaven and nether world. No for what purpose, they are looking for lucky, looking for dream.
Destiny is on own hands. Offer much blood and sweat to obtain harvest. Lucky takes shelters in the most secret place, can not appear casually. Only the person who strives to look for it, he may appear to be found. Just come to naught if waiting; looking for it will obtain.
“ I find out!” This is the word surprised to every one. Every one thirst for to call out one day. Wishing every one will call as thus one day! ◇
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