英國上議院議員奧爾頓勛爵(Lord Alton of Liverpool)早前致函英國安格里亞魯斯金大學,要求褫奪建制派議員何君堯的名譽博士學位。校方在調查之後,決定褫奪其名譽博士學位。奧爾頓勛爵等人隨即收到恐嚇電郵。
英國保守黨人權委員會副主席班羅哲斯(Benedict Rogers)在Twitter發推文指,在何君堯被褫奪名譽博士學位後,包括奧爾頓勛爵在內的數人,收到來自一名何君堯爪牙(one of Mr Ho's henchmen)的電郵,稱要他們以眼還眼(An eye for an eye),又稱他們「凡動刀的,必死在刀下。」(For all who draw the sword will die by the sword)。羅傑斯指該電郵為無禮的恐嚇,是中共政權的特質。◇
After @ARU rightly withdrew Junius Ho's honorary doctorate, one of Mr Ho's henchmen emailed several of us, including Lord Alton, saying: "An eye for an eye.... For all who draw the sword will die by the sword." An unpleasant threat. The nature of China's regime #StandWithHongKong
— Benedict Rogers (@benedictrogers) 2019年10月29日
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