中秋之夜(9月13日),當港人正努力「人鏈登山」之際,於地球另一邊的英國詩人 Damian Robin以詩歌惦記著香港的民主抗爭者,為香港人打氣。

Robin 送上的三首詩歌均以「反送中」為主題,詩歌名字分別名為《Through Mists of Tears(穿過催淚之霧)》、《Party Terrorists(黨恐怖份子)》和《We Watch the Chinese Communist Party Watch Hong Kong(我們注視著中共注視香港)》。





關於作者Damian Robin

居於英國,曾擔任記者、報紙和圖書編輯,是位終身作家。Robin對文字和寫作方式的興趣跨越藝術書籍和詩歌。過去十年,作者集中在古典詩歌的寫作中。2014雨傘運動其間,Robin 也曾為港人寫下詩句。

作者原文如下,也可到 作者刊登詩集的Classical Poets 網頁欣賞: 



Through Mists of Tears 

The moon shines sharp through mists of tears,
Gas, thick bullets, shields en masse.
Socialist police bring fears:
A preview that may come to pass.

A moon cake crumbles on a plate.
A seismic knife cleaves a crevasse.
Two systems meshed in one net fate.
A wider view fills Heaven's glass.


《黨恐怖份子》 原文:

Party Terrorists

Disguised and tooled-up army terrorists
Floor trapped citizens and lash their wrists.

Police in protest clothes mash down the young:
Trojan houseflies on a honeyed tongue.

Wild triad sticks swish tee-shirts wet with cries,
Innocents in subways caught by spies.

At pressure points sit Hong Kong socialists
Ticking wishes on the Party list.

9月15日,抗爭者集會期間,警察與市民再度發生衝突並一度出動水炮車和施放摧淚彈。集會人士手持各國國旗以表達對該國家聲援港人民主抗爭的謝意。(PHILIP FONG/AFP/Getty Images)
9月15日,抗爭者集會期間,警察與市民再度發生衝突並一度出動水炮車和施放摧淚彈。集會人士手持各國國旗以表達對該國家聲援港人民主抗爭的謝意。(PHILIP FONG/AFP/Getty Images)


We Watch the Chinese Communist Party Watch Hong Kong

The Party lines up troops
Who itch and sweat.
They know that armed-up numbers
Are no threat.
They can’t hold promises
Unless they’re yours.
To break your laser spirits
They break laws.
A fifty year change-over
Was the quote
To keep your currency
And let you vote.
They’ve strung up candidates
With Party spam,
Hold puppets miming sheep
Led by a Lam.
The commerce you create
They syphon off
And force-import their damp
And sicking cough.
You put your bodies
On the border line—
Draw blood between the beast
And what will shine—
Between democracy
And dullard hate—
Between old decency
And dragon state.
Your voluntary, focused
Breaks through the teeth
Of dragon slavery.
The good are charged inside
With saving souls
That will extinguish
All the dragon’s coals.
Our eyes and bones are far
From Hong Kong streets,
But mentally our shoulders
Feel your beats
Defending freedom of
The civil mind,
Protecting both yourselves
And Human Kind.  @

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