Iran leadership doesn’t understand the words “nice” or “compassion,” they never have. Sadly, the thing they do understand is Strength and Power, and the USA is by far the most powerful Military Force in the world, with 1.5 Trillion Dollars invested over the last two years alone..
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 2019年6月25日
特朗普接著說:「令人欽佩的伊朗人民正在受苦,而且是毫無理由的。他們的領導人將所有錢都花費在支持恐怖主義的行動上,卻鮮少將錢花在其它方面。美國尚未忘記伊朗使用簡易爆炸裝置(IED)和爆炸成型彈丸(Explosively Formed Projectile,EFP)殺死了2,000名美國人,並讓更多人受傷。」
....The wonderful Iranian people are suffering, and for no reason at all. Their leadership spends all of its money on Terror, and little on anything else. The U.S. has not forgotten Iran’s use of IED’s & EFP’s (bombs), which killed 2000 Americans, and wounded many more...
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 2019年6月25日
特朗普最後說:「伊朗今天所發表的非常無知且具侮辱性的聲明,只表明他們還不了解現實。伊朗對任何美國事物的攻擊,都將遭遇巨大且勢不可擋的武力回應。在某些地區,勢不可擋就意味著摧毀。(美國)現在已不再是克里(John Kerry)和奧巴馬時代!」
....Iran’s very ignorant and insulting statement, put out today, only shows that they do not understand reality. Any attack by Iran on anything American will be met with great and overwhelming force. In some areas, overwhelming will mean obliteration. No more John Kerry & Obama!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 2019年6月25日
然而,特朗普在24日宣佈美國對伊朗採取新的制裁措施,伊朗最高領導人哈梅內伊(Ayatollah Ali Khamenei)及其同夥無法獲得和使用金融工具。
由「政治」(POLITICO)網站與美國市場調查研究公司Morning Consult合作進行的一項民調顯示,大多數人對特朗普撤回攻擊伊朗的命令的決定表示支持。
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