正在波蘭進行訪問的美國副總統邁克·彭斯(Mike Pence)將參加美-波關於中東和平與安全會議,並參觀波蘭的奧斯威辛,這將是他首次參觀波蘭的納粹集中營。
據以色列時報(the Times of Israel)報道,彭斯副總統將於周四和周五在華沙參加美-波關於中東和平與安全問題的會議。
另據《華盛頓郵報(The Washington Post)》周二(2月12日)援引白宮一位高級官員的話報道,本周五,彭斯將與波蘭總統安德烈·杜達(Andrzej Duda)一起去參觀納粹死亡集中營(Auschwitz)。
Air Force Two z Wiceprezydentem Pencem @VP oraz jego małżonką Karen Pence @SecondLady właśnie wylądował na lotnisku w Warszawie. Witamy w Polsce, Welcome to Poland! pic.twitter.com/gRtPDaesjG
— US Embassy Warsaw (@USEmbassyWarsaw) February 13, 2019
另外,以色列總理本傑明·內塔尼亞胡(Benjamin Netanyahu)在每周的內閣例會上向政府部長們透露,周日,他將在波蘭的會議上與彭斯副總統和國務卿邁克·蓬佩奧(Mike Pompeo)以及其他領導人會面。
.@SecPompeo after arriving in Poland:
Happy to be here for the Ministerial to Promote a Future of Peace and Security in the Middle East, which we are co-hosting with our Polish friends. pic.twitter.com/gxEJ363h6F— U.S. Embassy Syria (@USEmbassySyria) February 13, 2019
按照計劃,彭斯將與內塔尼亞胡一起前去參觀1943年華沙猶太區起義(the 1943 Warsaw Ghetto)紀念碑。
Vice President Mike Pence addresses American and Polish troops in Warsaw.
Pence will also visit the Auschwitz memorial during his trip to Poland: https://t.co/JRxoUI37ob pic.twitter.com/Yfy96Ocfjp
— The Hill (@thehill) February 13, 2019
負責設計以-巴和平協議的白宮資深顧問賈裏德·庫什納(Jared Kushner)和美國中東特使傑森·格林布萊特(Jason Greenblatt)也將參加此次會議。巴勒斯坦權力機構正在抵制並呼籲阿拉伯國家政府跟上。#
#PrayWithUs for President Trump and those representing the U.S. as they promote peace. Jared Kushner and Jason Greenblatt will be part of the contigent meeting with leaders from the Middle East in Poland tomorrow: https://t.co/W8Bdid4Oae #PresidentialPrayerTeam #UnitedInPrayer
— Presidential Prayer Team (@PresidentPrayer) February 12, 2019
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