紐約和新澤西港務局的警察發言人潘唐格羅(Joe Pentangelo)表示,14日晚間9時30分左右接到報案電話稱,紐約甘迺迪國際機場(JFK)第八航廈離境大廳發生槍擊案。
隨後在晚間10時15分,由於接獲其它報案電話,港務局關閉第一航廈以及附近的Van Wyc高速公路。
Police evacuated #Terminal8 at #JFK airport after call of shots fired, according to law enforcement official https://t.co/toUc401s4v
— CNN (@CNN) August 15, 2016
Police are inside #jfkairport amid reports of shooting inside. All fights have been grounded. People evacuate. pic.twitter.com/jNy8aXJ8as
— Mohamed Hemish (@MohamedHemish) August 15, 2016
The scene outside Terminal 8 #JFK. Airport shooting. pic.twitter.com/W5dce6XRSG
— bipashaghosh (@bghosh) August 15, 2016
Panic at JFK terminal 1, no info. #jfk pic.twitter.com/PmsZKvZPMv
— Fabien Bar (@Neibaf03) August 15, 2016
RIGHT NOW: more police arriving at #JFKairport terminal 8, after reports of shooting. @NBCNewYork pic.twitter.com/J2N4C1ZMQb
— Ray Villeda (@RayVilleda) August 15, 2016
Reports are coming in of shots fired in terminal 8 of JFK airport. #JFK #jfkairport https://t.co/i1hYGClkfk
— Neil Saunders (@NeilRetail) August 15, 2016
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