
西洋文學大家、戲劇巨擘莎士比亞(William Shakespeare)於1616年4月23日逝世,今年剛好是他離世滿400周年。 《牛津名句辭典》(《The Oxford Dictionary of Quotation》)中,莎士比亞的名句就佈滿了半百以上的頁面,可見他在西洋文學史上的份量。莎翁離世400周年,回顧他的名句,沉澱一下迷霧人生中渾濛的心靈,追索人生真諦,豈不正是時候?!


Virtue? A fig! This in ourselves that we are thus or thus. ──美德?一朵無花果!那在我們身上展現我們是這樣或那樣。

Virtue is bold, and goodness never fearful. ──有德必勇,善良從來無所畏懼。

For it falls out That what we have we prize not to the worth Whiles we enjoy it, but being lacked and lost, Why, then we rack the value, then we find The virtue that possession would not show us While it was ours. ──結果顯示,我們擁有的、我們驕傲的,並非真價值。當我們享受它,我們就減損並失去它。當我們尋求真正的價值,然後我們會發現,佔有讓我們不知不覺失去曾經具有的美德。

The rarer action is in virtue than in vengeance. ──真正罕見的行動在美德而不在報復。

In nature there’s no blemish but the mind; None can be called deformed but the unkind; Virtue is beauty, but the beauteous evil are empty trunks, o’er flourished by the devil.


Cowards die many times before their deaths; The valiant never taste of death but once.──懦夫一生死多次;勇者一生死一回。

There is a history in all men’s lives. ──每個人的生命都是一部歷史。

All that glitters is not gold. ──閃光的不一定是金子。

人們對莎士比亞在哈姆雷特劇中的名言:「要生?要滅?那是問題。(To be, or not to be, that is the question.)」在今天來看,生命為何?這生命永遠追索的議題仍然迷惑人間。「To be」!返本歸真,按照上天所示的道德之路回歸,那才能永生!莎士比亞的智慧在400年前也看到了,透過蕩人心弦的戲劇告誡了人間。◇ 

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